Electrotherapy is often used in cases where there is an acute injury / swelling and massage therapy is not appropriate or uncomfortable. This treatment can also be used in conjunction with other therapies.
Interferential therapy is an effective pain relief method, which helps accelerate the process of self healing. Your therapist will use a special device to apply a current to the skin (this can cause a warm or tingling sensation, similar to using a TENS machine).
It is often used to treat sprains, overuse injuries or repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) such as tennis elbow.
Therapeutic ultrasound is applied using an ultrasound probe on the affected area. It has been shown to improve localised swelling, chronic inflammation and - according to some studies - promote bone fracture healing.
It is often used to treat tendonitis, non-acute joint swelling and muscle spasm. Most muscle and ligament injuries can benefit from therapeutic ultrasound.
Is electrotherapy right for me?
The treatments we offer are beneficial for most people, however there are some conditions that mean we may not be able to use certain techniques. Your therapist will ask you to complete a health questionnaire as part of your initial consultation so that they can identify any potential risks and modify technique accordingly. If you have any concerns, we always recommend that you consult your GP or other healthcare professional before booking an appointment.
Ultrasound should be avoided if you have any malignancies, metal implants below the area being treated, local acute infection or vascular abnormalities. It cannot be used directly on the abdomen of pregnant women.