Remedial Massage
If you are troubled by a particular muscle tension or chronic pain, remedial massage may be just the ticket. Your therapist will perform some tests to see exactly which muscles are giving you trouble and will tailor a treatment plan to suit. The treatment itself may involve deep tissue work for short periods of time, but the results are definitely worth it!
Remedial massage is often used to alleviate:
ankylosing spondylitis
frozen shoulder
muscular cramps
muscular atrophy
carpal tunnel
migraines or headaches
general muscular aches and pains
What is remedial massage?
When muscles and tendons become damaged, impaired, knotted, tense or immobile, remedial massage provides a healing treatment which addresses both the cause and symptoms of your discomfort. The technique stimulates circulation, thus helping to remove toxins in the muscles and calm the peripheral nervous system.
“Muscle energy techniques” may also form part of your remedial massage treatment to relax and increase range of movement in cramping or overly tight muscle and tendons.
Muscle Energy Techniques (METs)?
When using METs as part of your treatment your therapist gently causes muscle contractions to help relaxation. It helps to lengthen muscles and normalise the range of motion in your joints.
Is remedial massage right for me?
The treatments we offer are beneficial for most people, however there are some conditions that mean we may not be able to use certain techniques. Your therapist will ask you to complete a health questionnaire as part of your initial consultation so that they can identify any potential risks and modify technique accordingly. If you have any concerns, we always recommend that you consult your GP or other healthcare professional before booking an appointment.
Paula is a qualified sports and remedial massage therapist and will be able to advise which treatment will benefit you most.