Sports Massage


Sports massage was originally developed to help athletes prevent or treat injuries, however it can be beneficial to anyone, regardless of your fitness goals or intensity levels. We would typically use sports massage techniques to treat you:

  • if you regularly engage in sports activities,

  • if you are recovering from an injury,

  • if you spend long hours hunched over your desk, or

  • if you often engage in repetitive movements, e.g. heavy lifting.

What does sports massage do?

Sports massage therapy focuses on connective and soft tissue to help restore alignment to the body and aid in healing injures that can result from repetitive stress, impact and soft tissue trauma common to many activities. The application of sports massage, prior to and after exercise, may enhance performance, aid recovery and prevent injury.

Is it right for me?

The treatments we offer are beneficial for most people, however there are some conditions that mean we may not be able to use certain techniques. Your therapist will ask you to complete a health questionnaire as part of your initial consultation so that they can identify any potential risks and modify technique accordingly. If you have any concerns, we always recommend that you consult your GP or other healthcare professional before booking an appointment.

Paula is a qualified sports and remedial massage therapist and will be able to advise which treatment will benefit you most.