This soothing, gentle complementary therapy can help promote deep relaxation. It is based on the theory that all the systems and organs of the body are linked by energy pathways. Reflexology aims to stimulate and unblock these pathways in order to promote your body’s natural healing powers.
Reflexology can help with:
relaxation and coping with stress and anxiety
pain relief
boosting your mood and feelings of wellbeing
releasing toxins
boosting the immune system
improving circulation and lymphatic drainage
rebalancing the hormonal system
relieving muscular tension
What will happen during my treatment?
During your reflexology treatment, you will be invited to relax on the couch while your therapist gently presses and massages specific points on your feet or hands.
Is reflexology right for me?
Reflexology is a very individual treatment and is tailored to your specific needs. It takes into account both physical and non-physical factors which might be affecting you. Our feet usually receive very little attention in our busy daily lives, and yet they have important functions.
they connect us with the ground
they carry us through life
more than 7,000 nerves end in the feet, which means that this area of the body is highly sensitive to treatment.
The treatments we offer are beneficial for most people, however there are some conditions that mean we may not be able to use certain techniques. Your therapist will ask you to complete an online health questionnaire as part of the consultation process prior to your initial appointment so that they can identify any potential risks and modify techniques accordingly. If you have any concerns, we always recommend that you consult your GP or other healthcare professional before booking an appointment.